`` Flowchart ``

A flowchart is a common type of diagram, that represents an algorithm or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting these with arrows. This diagrammatic representation can give a step-by-step solution to a given problem. Data is represented in these boxes, and arrows connecting them represent flow / direction of flow of data. Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields.
A simple flowchart representing a process for dealing with a non-functioning lamp.
questions:Why do you want to
use flowchart in your mobile interface design & screen interface design? How will it help your users to meet the interactive goals?
from the flowchart that we can collect all the problem or the idea from other and we can fix or slove all the problem..
Without flowchart, we may be clueless or confused or maybe get stressful when u did a lot of twist or mistake to your design. Maybe user will not understand when the input data was wrong.So with flowchart it can be categorized to a lot of step like mind map. So it is like brainstorming your idea to it.Flowchart system is like an atm or a vendor machine. You wan to withdraw money so u press withdraw or if u do not wan to withdraw ,press cancel and it repeated the loop from the beginning.You can show your client how your design work using flowchart so that he can understand and how the flowchart flow with the design outcome and how it interact.With flowchart ,user can overlook minor problem and mistakes.


  1. l0lx..y i cant see u all comment de...??

  2. actually we had already comment

  3. i agree that the flowchart shows simple steps and make us easy to understand but what if the steps got more detail behind?

  4. l0lx..cuz juz that code block edi l0lx..now i off edi

  5. To dream,that will be deeper and complicated.
    To jam,mostly what we search in google image are those simple flowchart.We need to simplified it or make it more deeper such like what dreams... had mention ..
    Simplified it is easy right?but make it have more detail behind also not bad right?what do think?

  6. I do agree with you but sometimes we are not just showing our flowchart to our client. Sometimes, some client don't understand the process of flowchart so we will still need to explain to them. With our flowchart and clear explaining, client will understand our interface design.

  7. Yeah my comment didn't appear twice owh well, why the shape is rounded rectangle
    btw comment on my blog as well

  8. redz i agree with you.. A flowchart is basically a diagram used to make decision, it's allowed you to create a plan.


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